
Menghapus Timeline Facebook [ New Profil Disabler 1.0 ]

Selamat pagi gan :D . pagi pagi buka google chrome langsung dapat tips menarik unuk menghapus Timeline facebook kita, kali ini tipsnya sedikit berbeda. jadi kita kalau menginstal script ini facebook kalian akan menjadi seperti yang dulu [ bukan timeline ] oke langsung saja ke TKP ->


With this extension you can disable the newly introduced Facebook Profiles (the "Timeline") and return to the old good normal 2011 Profiles.


  • Disable the New Profiles and return to the Old Normal Profiles.
  • Disable the New Pages Profiles too!
  • It doesn't disrupt your Facebook layout, unlike many other extensions and methods.
  • You will be able to use the good features of the New Profiles (eg. the Activity Log) with your Good Old Original Profile!
  • Please note that the new profile gets disabled only in your browser; your friends will see the old version of your profile only if they have installed this extension.

Cara mendownloadnya yaitu, tunggu 5 detik hingga muncul tulisan lewati, Klik "Lewati" Untuk Mendownload.